Click here to find out what it's all about!!!
Don't worry, you've come to the right spot. Before you enter in our site, is this really the site for you?
is Project Pecan?
Project Pecan is a site that provides visitors with as much info on anime
goods as well as entertainment. The name may sound funny, but we're just trying
our best to be unique. Project Pecan is a website run by a couple of high
school graduates (still in college) trying to make anime web searchers easier
to finding stuff about anime. You may not find what you are looking for in
our site, but you might find some of the content very interesting. Who knows
you might start a new hobby.
is the history of Project Pecan?
We first started as a group, known as DragonNutZ (because Dragonball Z was
taken), to provide visitors with Anime Flash movies. We named our projects
with the name "Project" and then a name of a nut. "Project
Acorn" was the first anime film that was planned. Due to the tedious
work and lack of workers, the project was scratched. Our next project was
of course the website. The project's name was "Project Pecan". Therefore,
Project Pecan was born. So now everything has been changed. We now want to
provide visitors with anime info, entertainment, and more!
will I find in the site?
Our goal was to make anime music videos, but we haven't found a server that
will supply us with the space to hold them. Then we decided to add on the
list and do the following: Comics (or Manga), Drawings, Fan Fics, and Reviews.
Progress is going pretty slow, but we are managing to get up there.
If you ever get bored, you can read "Project Pecan's Hero",
which is about Mega Man gaining the title of "Hero" after he defeated
Proto Man. Now he lives his life fighting those that wish to challenge him.
It's a mixture of action and comedy.
Did you miss the 2001 San Diego Comic Convention? Read how I spent my 4 days
at the con. Pics and videos are now avalible. What is the San Diego Comic
Con? Read my report to find out what's it about and get an inside scoop of
what's it like.
Check out our anime reviews on toys (Mega Man, Sentimental Graffiti, Dragonball Z) and anime series. Each review on the toys have lots of pics and information about them.
Want to showcase your drawings? You've come to the right place. E-mail us
your drawings and we'll post it in our galleries. Go to our Drawings section
for more info.
popular is this site?
As of now, the site is pretty much dead. We've started this page on July 10,
2001 and haven't done too much promotion. Soon we hope will be on a great
start. Right now, things aren't looking great.
If you've read this far, we thank you for getting up to this point. This is only an introductory page. If you've found any interest in our site please click on the link below. Thanks for visiting our site and hope you enjoy what we got inside.
out our Action Figure Reviews:
Trunks Vol. 5 and 12 (Bandai)
Eva-00 and Eva-01 (Kaiyodo)
Mega Man Action Figures (Bandai)
SD Zaku II (Bandai)
Vash (Kaiyodo)
Sentimental Figures (Banpresto)
and many more!!!